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Avatar Author 04 Jul 2024

How Effective Leadership Styles Can Improve Employee Morale


If you had to choose between watching a funny dog video or spending five hours on a presentation your boss would tear apart, which would you choose? 

Think about it: some days you are required to coach and train, while on other days, you need to be visionary and motivational, setting an example for others to follow. 


Why Poor Management Drives Employees Away 


According to a Gallup study, 48% of employees were found to seek job change. Most people are calling it “the great resignation” and workforce gaps have become a global phenomenon. Although low pay is one of the contributing factors, another major reason is poor management and poor work environment.  

Poor environment at work clearly hints at a problem with management. No one likes to work with a toxic boss, and people also don't wish to put their best for someone whom they don't trust, like or respect.  

Leadership plays a pivotal role in shaping an organization’s culture and influencing employee morale. Good leaders set the tone by modeling behaviors and making use of the organization’s core values. Aspects like clear communication, accountability, and acknowledgement contribute significantly to fostering a positive culture and boosting employee morale. Inspirational leaders are those who build trust, empower their teams, and resolve conflicts to create a positive work environment.  

Therefore, effective leadership holds an organization together. Different types of leadership create a profound impact on the company’s culture and morale of its employees.  Therefore, it is extremely crucial for leaders to be mindful of this influence on their teams and on the organization in general.  




How Great Leaders Use a Mix of Styles to Succeed 


When it comes to how you lead your team, no one style can fit all. Every leader has a default leadership style, but to become an effective manager, you must learn other styles as well.  

One of the most important qualities of a good leader is their ability to adapt their leadership style according to the business environment, team members, and the ever-changing goals around them. Even a highly collaborative leader makes use of a combination of different leadership styles at different times- even in a single day. 

There is no set leadership style that every manager follows. Every leader is identified by their unique voice and individual approach to people and projects. It is important for you to acknowledge the different styles to know what might work best at different times, and what would help you achieve different purposes.  


Leadership Skills that Turn the Tide 


Manager-employee relationship is not a new concept. To take ancient wars as an excellent example in this case, just how good and efficient generals rallied their troops in the battlefield, similarly, CEOs and managers acquire the necessary skills to ensure their employees stay motivated and keep moving forward despite high stress and difficult times.  

Post-pandemic disruptions have left many working professionals and their leaders reeling. However, the companies that survived, and are still thriving, have one thing in common- employee stability.  

What we understand from here is that, even if high tensions impact employee motivation, the right leadership skills can instantly boost employee morale and turn the tables.  

What can high employee morale lead to? Better performance, lower absenteeism, and higher retention rates in any organization! 



Key Skills for Effective Leadership! 


Let us see how leadership and morale are interconnected, and what skills can help you make yourself into an effective leader!  


Trust building and transparency: Managers must ensure that their employees feel their opinions and concerns are heard and valued. Leaders can do so by fostering a culture of trust and transparency by being open and clear about their communication and the process of decision-making.  


Empowering and acknowledging employees: Employees must be given the freedom to make decisions and take ownership of their respective jobs. Recognizing their individual contributions helps boost their confidence and motivation.  


Provide opportunities of growth: In any organization, employees always seek progress in their careers and seek opportunities for learning and development. As a leader, you may offer training, mentorship, and opportunities of growth to help employees achieve their desired professional goals.  


Foster teamwork and effective collaboration: Teamwork and collaboration can effectively boost employee morale by creating a sense of belonging and togetherness among all. Leaders can ensure this by encouraging teamwork and setting up cross-functional teams and fostering a collaborative work environment.  


Lead by example: Any leader is an example for his team to follow. You should exhibit behaviors and values that you expect from your employees. How can you do that? By being approachable, respectful, and supportive.  


The Impact of Strong Leadership on Workplace Productivity and Morale 


In conclusion, leadership quality is extremely important for maintaining a positive and productive environment at work. Such an environment promotes employee morale and builds trust, empowers and recognizes employees, providing opportunities of growth, fosters teamwork and collaboration, and creates a culture of engagement, motivation, and high performance.  


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