Academic Policy

    Class Hygiene Instructions:

  • Appropriate Dress Code: It is mandatory for learners to dress appropriately for all class sessions.
  • Attendance: Attendance in live classes is crucial and should be diligently maintained. Missing classes without valid reasons should be avoided.
  • Active Participation: Learners are expected to be responsive and attentive during class sessions, actively engaging with the trainer and fellow learners.
  • Technical Preparation: Prior to the session, learners must ensure their video, audio, and class links are functional by testing them at least fifteen minutes before the start.
  • Environment: Choose a quiet, well-lit location with a stable internet connection for uninterrupted participation in class.
  • Video Presence: It is mandatory for learners to keep their video on throughout the session, ensuring full visibility of their face.
  • Preparation: Timetables and class topics are provided in advance. Learners are expected to come prepared with relevant questions.
  • Relevance of Questions: Questions asked during sessions should pertain to the topics being taught, avoiding irrelevant queries to maintain focus and save time.
  • Submission of Assignments: Timely submission of assignments and projects is mandatory. These should be submitted on
  • Attendance Protocol: To avoid being marked absent, learners must join sessions on time using the full name recorded with Counsel India.
  • Purpose of Assignments: Assignments and projects are designed for learning and practical application. Completion is essential for self-study and real-world experience.
  • Question and Answer Sessions: Questions are typically addressed at the end of sessions. Learners are encouraged to note down queries for discussion during this time.
  • Course Related Doubts: Learners are provided with the facility of doubt clearing portal to raise doubts regarding class topics and assignments. The doubts will be resolved by the in-house team.

    Note: For queries related to attendance / class links / application doubts/ complaints / certificate / requests / guidance regarding course program / welcome kits etc. kindly reach out to Counsel India’s customer support team during the office hours.

  • The Response and resolution to all the queries will be completed within the next working days of 24 to a maximum of 72 hours (about 3 days).
  • Counsel India Working Hours - 10:00 am to 6:00 pm
  • Customer Support Team Week off - Thursday

    Counsel India’s Disciplinary Measures:

  • Brand Protection: Defamation and false accusations against Counsel India are strictly prohibited.
  • Confidentiality: Sharing Counsel India's confidential information or class content publicly is not acceptable.
  • Relevant Questions: Questions asked during sessions should strictly relate to the topics being taught.
  • Personal Information: Disclosure of personal information to trainers or other learners is prohibited
  • Respectful Behaviour and Mindfulness: Misbehavior and use of offensive terms/slangs will not be acceptable during live class sessions with any other colleagues or Trainer who has joined for the session. Learners are reminded to be mindful of their words and actions, respecting others’ feelings and opinions.
  • Be constructive: If your classes or professional training sessions include pair or group work and peer reviews, it is inevitable that at some point personalities will collide, especially if you are asking colleagues to comment on each other’s assignments or points of views. Please make sure everyone understands the importance of keeping all feedback constructive – critique, do not criticize. Feedback should be constructive, focusing on improvement rather than criticism.
  • Friction Avoidance: Avoidance of friction with Trainer and other learners during Class Sessions. Stick to class objectives, and where possible provide specific reasoning for any negative feedback with examples and alternatives to be provided in feedback forms which are provided at the end of every class or else write us at

    Violation Consequences:

  • Verbal warnings may be given for initial violations, followed by potential expulsion from the class if the behaviour persists.
  • Repetitive violations may result in warning letters or expulsion from the course.
  • In case of violation of any of the above-mentioned policies in the class, the learners will be given 2 verbal warnings by trainer or the team. Despite this if the learner persists on the same behavior, then the trainer holds the power to expel the learner from the class.
  • If such a behavior occurs repetitively in two classes, a warning letter will be issued.
  • CI holds the right to expel the learner from the course if such violation occurs for more than 3 classes.

    Quarterly Award Categories and Criteria :

    The awards include:

  • Best Content Creator: Recognizing learners who demonstrate exceptional creativity, innovation, and quality in producing educational content, whether written, visual, or multimedia, through Vlogs, Blogs and articles etc.
  • Most Sincere Learner: Acknowledging learners who consistently display dedication, commitment, and enthusiasm in their pursuit of knowledge and personal development.
  • Aspiring Counsellor: Honoring learners who exhibit outstanding communication skills, counselling skills, active participation in role plays, case studies, and a genuine desire to support and mentor their peers within the learning community.
  • Entrepreneur of the Batch: Celebrating learners who demonstrate exceptional entrepreneurial spirit, creative and innovative ideas, etc.
  • These quarterly awards will serve to motivate and inspire our learners, fostering a culture of excellence, collaboration, and continuous improvement. Winners will be selected based on predetermined criteria and nominations from instructors and Counsel India Leadership.

    Convocation Ceremony Rewards :

  • Best Learner: This reward will be based on overall performance, participation, timely submissions, attendance, adhering to the policies and trainer’s feedback
  • Best Batch: This reward will be given to the batch that receives positive feedback from the trainers, completion of the course, cooperation within the class, engagement and interaction.

    Mentoring Support:

  • Purpose and Objectives: The purpose of mentoring is to provide the career roadmap and career guidance to the learners. This could include professional development, skill enhancement, career advancement, etc.
  • Session Frequency and Duration: The number of sessions is defined according to the course duration. The duration of the session is 45 minutes.
  • Course duration
    Number of Sessions
    3 Months
    2 Sessions
    6 Month
    3 Sessions
    12 Months
    5 Sessions
    24 Months
    10 Sessions
  • Meeting Format: The Mentoring Session will be 1 on 1 in virtual mode on Microsoft team’s application.
  • a. The buffer time to join the session is for 15 minutes so that we can handle unforeseen circumstances.

    b. Learner’s tardiness will not be considered, and the session will not be rescheduled for any other day

    c. Rescheduling of sessions can be possible with the prior information of at least 12 hours from the scheduled time.

  • Feedback and Evaluation: A feedback form will be circulated to get the insight for the session, that how learner felt about the session.
  • Confidentiality and Privacy: Confidentiality will be maintained, and the data will not be shared with anyone.

    Student Placement Procedure:

    1. Introduction: The Student Placement procedure of COUNSEL INDIA SERVICES PVT. LTD. outlines the guidelines and procedures for student placement. The objective is to ensure fair, transparent, and merit-based placement processes that align with the institution's values and goals.

    2. Eligibility Criteria:

    Students eligible for placement opportunities must meet the following criteria:

  • The Learner will be eligible for the Placements one month prior to their Course end.
  • One month before the course ends, the learner will be eligible for placements.
  • Possess satisfactory academic standing as per the institution's standards.
  • Fulfil any additional requirements specified by the placement program or participating organizations
  • The learner may apply for placement opportunities up to three months after completing the course.
  • Counsel India will provide placement assistance for maximum up to 3 companies for which their eligible criteria meet.

    3. Placement Process:

  • Placement Call: Following their enrollment, students will get a call from the placement team asking for information about their placement.
  • Announcement: Placement opportunities will be announced through official channels (i.e., emails, Online Portal), but not limited to, calls, and messages.
  • Application: Eligible students must submit their applications within the specified deadline, adhering to the requirements outlined in the placement announcement.
  • Screening: Applications will undergo a screening process, which may include evaluation of academic records, resumes, cover letters, and any additional documents requested by participating organizations.
  • Shortlisting: Based on the screening, a shortlist of candidates will be compiled for further assessment.
  • Assessment: Shortlisted candidates may undergo interviews, assessments, or other evaluation methods as per the requirements of participating organizations.
  • Selection: Final selection decisions will be made by the participating organizations, considering factors such as qualifications, skills, experience, and suitability for the placement role.
  • Placement Offer: Selected candidates will receive placement offers, specifying the terms and conditions of the placement, including duration, compensation (if applicable), and other relevant details.
  • Acceptance: Candidates must confirm their acceptance of the placement offer within the stipulated time frame to secure their placement.


  • After clearing the interview process and receiving an offer letter, placement cell will not be liable for any further assistance
  • The learner needs to go through the full placement process for the opportunities they have applied for; otherwise, some strict disciplinary actions will be taken.

    4. Placement Support:

  • Preparation: Prior to placement, students may receive support such as training, workshops, or counselling to enhance their readiness for the placement experience.
  • Monitoring: Throughout the placement period, the institution may maintain communication with both students and participating organizations to monitor progress and address any concerns that may arise.

    5. Code of Conduct:

    Students participating in placements must adhere to the institution's code of conduct, as well as any additional guidelines provided by the participating organizations. Professionalism, integrity, and respect for organizational policies and procedures are always expected.

    6. Confidentiality and Privacy:

    All information shared during the placement process, including but not limited to student applications, interviews, and evaluations, will be treated with strict confidentiality. Personal data will be handled in accordance with relevant privacy regulations and institutional policies.

    7. Compliance:

    This policy complies with all regulations, and institutional policies governing student placements

    8. Review and Revision:

    This policy will be reviewed periodically to ensure its effectiveness and relevance. Amendments may be made as necessary to reflect changes in circumstances, regulations, or best practices

    9. Implementation:

    The responsibility for implementing this policy rests with Career Resource Centre Department, which will also oversee its enforcement and administration.

    10. Enquiries:

    For any enquiries or concerns regarding student placements, students and stakeholders may contact

Please Remember: All your positive and negative actions are being watched by Counsel India (CI) Management from the back-end. In the event of non-compliance, our management, may need to take appropriate actions against the learner (suspending or terminating them from the course) who fails to follow Instructions. We believe that with your right commitment to psychology education, such situations can be avoided, and the focus will remain on learning experiences. We are confident that together, as a CI Family, we can achieve our educational goals for which we are here on the same platform.
We thank you for your cooperation and dedication to our shared mission.

This policy is effective from: 1st April, 2024