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Avatar Author 10 Oct 2024

Therapy According to Memes: How Internet Humor Is Helping Us Cope with Anxiety and Stress

Let’s be real for a moment—when the pandemic hit, most of us turned to our phones for some relief from the anxiety and pressure caused by all the negativity floating around. And guess what? Those trending memes we scrolled through to pass the time might just be one of the best forms of medicine for our brain health! 


A Laugh a Day Keeps the Stress Away 


According to a fresh US study, published in the Psychology of Popular Media journal, it was found out that looking at funny online content, especially memes, can actually help people cope with everyday stress. Those who enjoyed a few laughs with the right kind of memes felt livelier and more confident in handling life’s challenges. And no, we’re not talking about rainbows or the cutesy kittens here- the humor might just hit right! 

It is actually amazing when you think about it. All of us have seen how memes have taken over the internet today- whether it's the iconic “This is Fine” dog sipping coffee in a room on fire or the different takes on Zoom call struggles, who would have thought they could also be real mental health boosters and tickle your funny bone?  



Memes as Medicine? Not So Crazy After All! 


Last year, a study conducted by the Scientific Reports showed that memes about depression actually lifted the spirits of people who were struggling with mental health issues. Memes are not just funny images with a pun-intended text- they are much like your emotional lifeboats, helping you connect, make you smile, and maybe, feel a little more understood.  

Jessica Myrick, lead author of the study, pointed out, “As the pandemic dragged on, it became clear how people were using social media, particularly memes, to think about the pandemic." Memes became a universal language that reflected everything from day-to-day struggles to collective anxiety, and they’ve played an unexpected role in mental health awareness. 


Memes: The Social Genes of the Internet 


Fun fact: the word “meme” was first coined by an evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins in his book “The Selfish Gene”. He describes a meme as an idea that spreads through a culture just like genes in biology. Just like genes replicate and evolve, memes do the exact same thing in the digital world. They travel much faster and that is the reason why they go “viral”, meaning they multiply across social media, changing meanings as and when they are shared!  


Why Sharing Memes is Better Than Just Watching Them 


Now here’s where it gets even better. According to a study conducted in 2023, it was found out that sharing memes with others- whether it is with your friends, family, or that one person who always gets your jokes right- can strengthen emotional bonds. “Hey, I see you, and I feel this too”- that shared laughter and understanding? It’s good for your brain health and shared relationships!  



Memes as Pandemic Therapy: Science Says Yes! 

Countless studies have come up to prove that memes are more than just silly distractions. Another study from 2022 published in the Psychology of Popular Media found out that viewing memes during Covid-19 boosted all sorts of positive emotions and coping abilities. Researchers have discovered that memes help reduce stress instantly and foster a sense of community during times of isolation. Who knew these hilarious memes could give us more than just a laugh- they were helping us stay resilient throughout!  

Nature conducted a study on the same in 2021, showing how pandemic-related memes significantly helped people with high anxiety by providing humor and relatability in a much higher level. It turns out when we see our fears and frustrations depicted in a lighthearted way, it is much easier to manage our emotions.  


So, Next Time You Scroll Through Memes... 

“Din bhar memes scroll karli 


Don’t feel guilty about it next time- that laugh could be actually giving you the reconnection and de-stressing that your mind needed since a long time! Whether it’s a witty joke about work-life-balance or a hilarious take on your relationship with your parents, memes are way more than just internet fun- they are your way to survive and thrive, in the toughest of ways!  

So, my dear friend, go ahead and share that meme in your group chat, share the laughter and remind yourself- they might be the right mental health booster you never knew you needed!

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