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Avatar Author 30 Apr 2024

How CBSE is Prioritizing Student Well-being : Counselling Beyond Classrooms

What is CBSE solving for thousands of its students? 


A National Council for Educational Research and Training (NCERT) survey 2022 revealed that 80 percent of students in Classes 9-12 suffer from anxiety due to exams and results. The culprit? The pressure and fear around exam results and a lack of proper career counselling for students 


Textbooks are great for cramming formulas, but they can't be your companion on all those stressful days.  


The school journey is anyway a rollercoaster ride. Between juggling exam stress, friendship drama, and the occasional relationship woes, it's no wonder students could benefit from a guiding light- Someone who can help them navigate the chaos and point them in the right direction, or even just lend a listening ear. 




How is CBSE extending its support? 


Understanding this fundamental need, the CBSE board has started a counselling service for all those students appearing for 10th and 12th board exams. 


The board extended three ways of counselling:  


  1. IVR : An IVR toll free number to navigate all the information related to your board exams. Tips to deal with exam stress, time management, exam related FAQs, and more. CBSE is counselling students targeting the specific problem of exam stress and pressures. Along with their parents’ and teachers’ support. 


  1. Podcast : CBSE also announced that they will be providing the students with support through podcasts covering relevant topics. These will be available on the official CBSE website, cbse.gov.in 

  1. Tele-counselling : A free-of-cost service available from 9:30 am to 5:30 pm, Monday through Saturday, involves a team of 65 professionals, including principals, trained counsellors, special educators, and psychologists. Notably, 52 professionals are from India, and other countries.  


Government bodies like CBSE recognizing the need to curb these stressful situations through counselling has helped in creating a huge impact. The students and parents now have a support system.  




Looking at the problem with a wider lens 


In the current landscape, student stress has emerged as a critical concern as we frequently encounter distressing news about young lives lost to exam pressures and academic stress. Yet, this is just the tip of the iceberg. Beyond the weight of exams, students grapple with a variety of challenges including relationship issues, peer pressure, and the crazy transitions of adolescence. 


Realizing the situation, a decade ago in 2014, the CBSE had made it mandatory for all schools to have counsellors. Counsellors are like a guiding light in the lives of these students. They can show them the right path and help them deal with their anxieties.  


The act of making counsellors mandatory in schools shows the commitment and dedication our education system has towards the mental wellbeing of the youth of our nation. Steps like these by Boards like CBSE push the envelope and encourage our country to develop change. 


However, a recent Economic Times report says: Schools are hardly able to meet the demand for quality career counsellors. The latest estimates suggest that the 350 million students in India need at least 1.4 million career counsellors to maintain a globally acceptable student-to-school-counsellor ratio. Currently we have much less counsellors in India. Most of the schools in India do not have a dedicated counsellor.  


This opens avenues for the youth to enter this space to bridge this gap by taking up counselling as a career. Our youth today understands this opportunity and is opting for Education in psychology and counselling. With more people entering psychology, we will be able to fill this gap and support students and young adults in their career journeys. So, whether you're a student seeking guidance or an aspiring counsellor looking to make a difference, remember, there's a path forward. Take the first step today and unlock your future path. 

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