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Avatar Author 15 Jun 2024

Breaking the Silence on Financial Stress on Men

For a long time, society has expected men to be the sole earners in the family. This has conditioned men to deal with financial pressure without complaining. 

“The breadwinners,” “The financial pillars of their families” – this image of men has been ingrained in our culture for generations. While gender roles are evolving, the pressure on men to be the provider of the family still remains strong. No doubt, this unsaid expectation has a significant impact on men's mental health. 


Beyond the Stereotypes 


Bollywood and pop culture have displayed our HERO as the ideal “financially secure” person in the relationship. If not already financially secure, the hero must become financially secure to win over his lover’s father. We often see a happy ending with the hero gaining all the wealth and riches through his journey. 

But this journey from rags to riches is rare and far from glamorous. Men experiencing financial strain often suffer in silence, suppress their emotions leading to unhealthy coping mechanisms like eating disorders, alcohol, bad company and more. 

Mental health problems are increasing in India. A study from Pew Research Center indicates that men are twice as likely to feel the financial burden in a relationship compared to women. Another report states: The Accidental Deaths & Suicides in India 2021 reports a 72.5-to-27.5 male-to-female ratio of suicide victims. Over 73,900 more men committed suicide in 2021 than women. 


Let's Talk About It 


There is a lot of scope to work in men’s mental health scape. As we enter June, known as Men’s Health Month, let’s explore how financial pressure has been affecting men and how we can take proactive steps towards men’s well-being. 




How to cope with financial stress? 

  1. Unlearning the Beliefs: 

We need to remind men that if women are breaking norms and reaching the moon, men need to get comfortable with the idea of not solely bearing financial burdens. Society needs to make them feel that it is fine and equally “manly” to take up roles like homemakers or share the earning responsibility. 


  1. It Is Okay Not to Be Okay: 

Seeking help from family, friends, or even organizations that offer financial aid or assistance is normal when you need it. 


  1. Practice Mindfulness Activities: 

Being mindful and resilient is important so you do not fall into peer pressure to spend extra money. Practice healthy habits such as eating well, exercising regularly, sleeping enough, meditating, or relaxing to cope with ongoing stress. 


  1. Seeking Professional Help: 

If you are going through any kind of financial stress, the first step should be to work on your mental health problems in India. If you are failing at the self-practice of being mindful, seek advice or assistance from financial experts or counselors. Counselors can address your problems both at the mental well-being level and guide you toward the right career path. 


  1. Upskilling: 

Invest in education or skills development to enhance your professional growth and career prospects. If you are someone passionate about making a change in the mental health sector, there is immense scope of work. Career counselling is something we all are looking for. You can train yourself with the available counselling programs to equip yourself to counsel and help others.  





What Can We Do to Change the Narrative for Men? 


  1. Raising Emotionally Intelligent Boys: 

For all young parents, teachers, and mentors, it is important to inculcate the right values in our children, especially boys, so they know how to deal with this pressure when it comes. Also, when the time comes, they are not the ones bullying fellow men for financial issues. 


  1. Creating a Resourceful Environment for Them: 

With social media, the day and age have come when there is already so much awareness and defense against stereotypes like these. Resources like financial advisory, skill development programs, counselor, and psychologist support are also on the rise. This will help men gather enough resources to cope with stress, anxiety, and mental health problems. 


  1. Educating Our Women: 

Women are increasingly playing a stronger role in the workforce, challenging traditional gender roles that have been around for a long time. By encouraging them further and creating opportunities for them as per their ambitions, we will make it easier for both genders to share the financial burdens. 


Before You Leave This Blog, 


Remember, the focus on mental health is a must. Mental well-being is as important as physical well-being. Men are dealing with the pressures of financial stability, family responsibility, peer pressure and many more evils of the society we ourselves have created. This Men’s Mental Health Awareness Month (June 2024) is a chance to encourage open conversations about challenges and share valuable resources that can support them. Let's together build a healthier future for all! 
Take the Next Step in Your Psychology Career with Counsel India! 


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